Friday, October 15, 2010

lets talk aboout sex.

i often have struggled to find the right platform to discus this issues in many areas of my life. I being a christian can't talk about it in church, or when or when it is discussed all is ever said is it is for marriage. In my non Christians circles were sex can be talked about freely I often feel like it is not given the respect I feel it deserves. taking what ever you can get seems to be high on peoples list of things to do. What i also think about how the glbt community sexuality is often discussed more often in church than my own. I find this frustrating. I also feel like it has CONTRIBUTED to me making poor decisions when it comes to sex. I am a single girl who struggles with what to do with sexual urges, thought etc. But I know I am not the only one, in my group of believer there are many of us who struggle with different battles within sexuality and yet it goes unsaid. I also feel like the solution is out of my hands. Where are these people who are saposted to talk to us about how to live healthy lives? I Have a very strong and powerful voice but when it comes to sex I feel like there is no one listening. I am striving for this thing. I honestly believe that we were created to be committed one person and have sex with them. I am wondering how we achieve that if no one is talking about it. It seems like a unicorn. How do i deal with my past and present struggles in a way that with bring growth to me? what if some times I don't even care and just want to go and have sex? I love sex I think it is great and have enjoyed it but yet even saying that I am breaking some barrier. And I know not everyone feels that way but i feel like every one in my life is on one side or the other and no one is in the middle talking about sex in a healthy way. and i am mad!


  1. Let's talk about sex baby...

    I like your posts. I like how real you are. You are the middle ground, the connecting point between nervous Christians and the rest of the world. You need to keep speaking like this, where the rest of us are too shy, afraid, or just unaware that there's even an issue that needs addressing.

    I like you.

  2. What a post! You have every right to be mad because you're right -- sexuality in most church communities is conveniently bypassed, or completely, shall I say, fetishized. Like when you get a men's retreat where they all console and pray for each other over their addiction to porn. Or a youth retreat I was at once where a couple adults went on talking about why various forms of birth control are bad for your health. (Then, the priest used the phrase "carpet bombing" in the context of fertility awareness. Nooo!)

    There are probably many reasons why this is... one is that it's often just awkward, isn't it? Then, singles aren't supposed to be having sex, so what is there to talk about, technically speaking (aside from masturbation and fantasies, but we aren't supposed to be having those either, are we?)... and finally, it's hard to say how "sex positive" the church is all the time. Any thoughts of your own on this matter?
