Thursday, May 31, 2012

I am sorry 

This weekend is pride. Gay pride, my first one. I am so excited! I often say that i was born a fruit fly
(urban dictionary = An attractive female who hangs around gay males. The same as a fag hag but attractive.) I remember my first gay friend in high school and it has only mutliplyed from there. At this point in my life the majority of my friends are gay males. I have talked about how the GLBTTQ was the first place i ever felt accepted in this blog before (see acceptance) before. I love all people so of course the GLBTTQ community is  part of that, but because I love Jesus it is often assumed that I hate them which is frustrating. But i realize this stereotype comes a real place where so many of MY brothers and sister in Christ have hurt so many GLBTTQ members. This breaks my heart. It breaks my heart that ANYONE would say that God does not love them. I deeply believe with all my heart that God loves us all more than we will ever know! So I am sorry if anyone ever told you different.