Wednesday, March 3, 2010

seems easy enough. Seems even admiral. At this point it seems imposable. there is this idea that leaders know where there going and can take others with them. Not sure. I have a very loud personality that people are often attracts peoples ears. Maybe even all the orange i wear attracts there eyes. Now It has been suggested by some that I should take all this and lead these people. Where no idea but lead none the less. The thing that keeps tripping me up in my mind and heart. Is that I am very Good at making mistakes. And not like I wore a pink shirt with red pants but like have a shopping addiction bad. Now I will say that i am a leader at work this is not the same thing making sure that people make there sales goals versus making sure there souls are in order is a big difference. I see on one hand that all my mistakes, or lessons would make me a better teacher. But on the other I feel so unworthy of anyone even paying attention.
there are so many people who are leaders who fail and it hurts so many people. The thought of hurting one person is enough to stop me dead in my tracts. But what I am losing if i just sit on the sidelines? Does the risk outweigh the fear? can I make a good decision this time? What is the best for me? what is best for these souls who need a leader?

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