Tuesday, February 9, 2010

well! i guess my friends do find my thoughts interesting enough to keep demanding that i blog. so thank you for the love and encouragement so hear we go with blog number two.
My thoughts of late have been consumed with money. K don't get to excited not with how i can get more or what i will buy but more so how to be free from the worry and pull that money can have on ones heart. Any one who knows me probably knows that I love clothes i love shopping i love retail i love selling i love stuff! I have had a huge Revelation that this love of stuff was getting in the way of what i really want for my life, simplicity. Instinctively i feel we think that we get simplicity by having more money so we can have more freedom but i think that this is backwards thinking. a quote 'Simplicity is the outward sign and symbol of depth of thought.” Lin Yutang. Stating to me that if we want to live simple live we have to give up stuff. think about what we want and the price of that. Going through this has been a painful process. Realizing that the stuff was covering wounds which are know exposed once again. wounds of rejection, loss, fear, failures, and disappointments. I know that the pretty new dress cant make that all go away but i want it too and it has made it feel better in till now.
That is a bit of my journey. for you I say think what do you really want for your life? are your convictions meeting up with your life style? are you willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make your dreams happen?
I do know in all of this I am at the begging of my journey.And my credit card is locked in a safe behind a locked door in my friends house that takes me half an hour to walk too. But i can tell that it will be worth it. When I am free of debit! when i don't have to work full time. when i can give more to the people I love instead of MasterCard it will be worth it. Even when i get in an amazing dress in. I know it will be worth it!
thanks lo


  1. Awesome! You're honesty and vulnerability are amazing, just like you. Keep it up, girl!


  2. I like hearing your thoughts, especially since its so rare these days! Thanks for sharing...
